I hope to showcase a lot of my crafty creative works here. I hear it's what all the cool kids are doing.
Right now, I am literally obsessed with Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and Commentary! the musical. Like, really in love with it. Like, listening to it right now.
I used to have another blog here, except that my old school email address was deleted and now I can't access it. Could be worse! I had another as well - a sort of tell-all secretive type - but I haven't posted there in years. No link - very sekrit.
Here's a picture from my bedroom: (Not like that, you dirty minded whoever)
Well, that was easy to post! That thar is my little-shop bag collection. L-R from the top: Auckland Museum, New Zealand - The British Library, London UK - La Mola Fort, Mao Menorca - (THE MASTER) - Tate Modern, London UK - National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin Ireland - The National Gallery, London UK - The British Museum, London UK - Museum of London, London UK - Trinity College Library, Dublin Ireland -National Portrait Gallery, London UK.
And this is a gif of something amusing:

Assuming that worked: CARA WTFS AT U. Otherwise, you're just looking at picture of a flower. Which is nice enough.
Test Post: Testy :D